Latest Episodes
Spoiler Log 01 - Tylersalt
Tylersalt joins Daaanty to discuss how he got into randomizer, his experiences through various tournaments in the community, how the salt runs through his...
Async Qualifiers, Mulligans, Ped Goal Mosaics & Ganonhunt (Hurfless)
Hurf? HuRf?! HUUUUUURF!! Dangit...I guess timp and Daaanty are on their own this time. But surprise surprise, when the two most loquacious members of...
Are We Too Cynical? + Rando Relationships & Google-Indexed Race Chatter
Three grizzled vets of the ALTTPR community sit down and have a frank conversation with one another in order to answer the question: Do...
2023 Main Tourney Announced + v31.1 Alpha, Council Term 8 & Door League
We felt a bit guilty about serving up a record-short episode last time, so here, please enjoy this over-the-hour-mark offering today to make up...
Is Manual Tracking Still Needed for Restreams? + Finals: League & Cabookey
It is my great pleasure to present to you an episode that clocks in at a brisk 48.5 minutes; our snappiest regular episode yet....
Rando Meandering + ALTTPR Retirement, iRacing & Dual Marathon Showcases
Even in giving ourselves permission to talk about whatever comes to mind for the first 45 minutes of this episode, we STILL managed to...