Latest Episodes
Top 10 ALTTPR Tricks Worth Ignoring + MT21 Brackets & Long Hair, Don't Care
They say that one person's trash is another person's treasure. But sometimes, trash is just trash! And on today's episode of the Go Mode...
RandoQuest + Daaanty the Chaaamp & Racing Council Applications
Do you like rolling dice? Of course you do, you like a game with the word "randomizer" stuck to the end of it. Well...
Examining the Randomizer Pt. 2 w/ Veetorp + V31.0.9 Updates
Ah, 76. The perfect amount of trombones. The centennial year of America's founding. And now, Veetorp's return to GMP! timp, Daaanty, and Hurfydurfy knock...
Getting Into Competitive Rando + The Tourney Tornado & "FMK"
You know what? The hosts completely failed to mention the milestone of reaching 75 episodes during this show, so I'm going to do it...
Rando - Life Balance w/ Lumaga + Boots Camp Line-up & 5 Years of ALTTPR
JOIN US for our GMPMT21 EXHIBITION KICKOFF RACE! 8:00 PM EDT on FRIDAY MAY 28 at! Hey, I know you're busy but...could I...
Keysanity + Mentor Tournament 2021 Registration Open & Lots of Other News
2021 MENTOR TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION: Rules & Guidelines: Oh my gosh! This episode is really jam-packed. There's the announcement of the 3rd annual...