GO MODE TOURNAMENT SIGN UP FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSck79GEBe3ucrQTGei_xwJdDDVXwyxdjd1P8G2t0twYb0NokA/viewform
Hyrule is now their oyster, so timp, Axeil, & Hurfydurfy relish the opportunity to have a nice freeform discussion. But news doesn’t sleep! So the crew starts by discussing Axeil’s experiences with the increasingly popular Majora’s Mask Randomizer while Hurfydurfy gives a trip report of the aLttPR Multiworlds beta. And this is the episode where timp & co finally begin the sign-up process for The Go Mode Tournament! Wow! FEATURE: timp, Ax, & Hurf discuss rupees and ways to make them, including the Houlihan Glitch, Prize Packs, and other rupee farming techniques. We also get to hear a fun debate on early game tactics.
1:35 – Axeil plays Majora’s Mask Randomizer
20:20 – Triforce Hunt
23:40 – Hurfydurfy beta tests ALTTPR Multiworlds
36:20 – Go Mode Tournament Teaser
37:05 – Rupees: The Basics
44:40 – Early Game Strategy Debate Tangent
58:05 – Rupees: Houlihan Room
1:04:45 – Prize Packs
1:16:25 – Rupees: Farming Strategies
1:28:00 – Rupees: Other Uses
1:30:25 – Fetch Question
1:31:45 – Go Mode Tournament Sign-up Info
1:37:40 – A Correction & Wrap-Up
Majora’s Mask Randomizer Github: https://github.com/epicYoshi64/MM-Randomizer
A Link to the Past Randomizer Multiworlds Github (still in development): https://github.com/Bonta0/ALttPEntranceRandomizer/tree/multiworld
Houlihan Room Guide on YouTube by gamercal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY15euQDMeY
A Link to the Past Speedrunning Wiki Article on Prize Packs: https://alttp-wiki.net/index.php/Enemy_prize_packs
A Link to the Past Seed Generator, Prize Pack Distribution: https://alttpr.com/en/customizer#prize-packs
Alucard2004 scores the coveted 5-shot in target game: https://clips.twitch.tv/FantasticSpinelessWaffleHoneyBadger
GO MODE TOURNAMENT SIGN UP FORM: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSck79GEBe3ucrQTGei_xwJdDDVXwyxdjd1P8G2t0twYb0NokA/viewform
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timp, Daaanty, and Hurfydurfy get back together to discuss life, the ongoings of the ALTTPR scene, and gaming in general.
Choo-choo! That's right, just like Spirit Tracks, this one's gonna be train themed! Not the episode itself, just the description. First, timp, Daaanty, and...
Go Mode Podcast hosts timp, Daaanty, and Hurfydurfy introduce themselves and talk about what you can expect to hear on the show in this...