Join timp, Axeil, & Hurfydurfy for an update on the 2018 Summer Tournament qualifiers plus a discussion of smaller Randomizer communities and their tournaments, including the Something Awful Community Tournament. FEATURE: The crew takes a walk through Vanilla aLttP’s first pendant dungeon Eastern Palace.
Eastern Palace Map Reference by Chirality:
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00 – You Are In Go Mode!   00:00 / 00:12:03 1X // @todo move this to a separate enqueued file and use data...
Join timp at this Friday, Feb. 4th at 7:30 PM EST for the reveal of Version 1 of 'timp.msu', an ALTTPR msu-1 pack...
FRI, AUG. 21 @ 9:00 PM EST on MT Admin Bingo Blackout Race! timp, Daaanty, and Hurfydurfy (and Axeil) have celebrated several milestones...